Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Flu Bug BUGS!!!!

Paisley has the flu. She keeps throwing up. I have nothing interesting to report. Paisley had to miss school today, which was very sad for her... they were finishing their Christmas presents for the parents, and finishing their preparations for the Christmas Show. Please keep us in your thoughts that this all passes soon, and that Tommy and I don't catch it. We have all 5 of our Christmas parties these next 3 weeks!


Anonymous said...

OH YUCK! The absolute worst illness during the Christmas season. Poor little thing and Poor Mommy and Daddy! Lots of hand sanitizer. When I taught, the school nurse said you have to touch the bug and then put your hands in your mouth or eat food with the germ on it in order to get keep those hands CLEAN. I hope she feels better soon and that you both steer clear. -K

Brandi said...

Hope she feels better ASAP.

Mommy3 said...

aw bummer! I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts!

McCoyFamily said...

Patrick missed Miss P at school today I hope she feels better real soon:)

Kalyn said...

THanks guys... no throw up since 5 this morning.... but she's still my little limp noodle on the couch!!! :(

Liz said...

oh no! she barfed AGAIN?! poor sweet pea. wash wash wash your hands every time you think of it. do not let anything that goes into your mouth touch your hands...not for at least a few days. i know i'm a total psycho, but you cannot get sick! don't scratch your eyes, blow your nose, use the potty...NOTHING without washing those hands! you can get a manicure in a week.

brooke2916 said...

Poor Paisley!! I hope she feels better soon... and hopefully you can get some rest!

{{Hugs from Boop}}

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