Sunday, March 21, 2010


I miss sharing my thoughts with everyone (no one?) so I thought I'd give it a try again... please stop by and say Hi! :)

L.F- I am SO excited to see you. Thanks for being such a good friend, despite the miles between us. You are my "Anyways" Friend.

B.R- We need to do girls nights out more often, you reminded me WHY I love you so much- I had a blast!!

S.D- Thanks for being my longest best friend. I will always cherish our memories!!

T.C- You will always be the one who can make me laugh, and pee my pants. Even though that may sound cheesy, it means a lot to me!!!

K.S- I don't think you read my blog, but I will always love you no matter what!

L.H- We have had soooo many good times together- I will NEVER forget them, ever. Thanks for being a part of my happy memories.

B.K- College was one of the best times in my life, and there is not one memory without YOU in them. Thanks for all that you did!!!


Liz said...

i like being first. =)

LADYBUG said...

I enjoyed your blog, I will come back and read more

Unknown said...

ビニールコーティングは傷や汚れにも強いので安心です !!!gucci 財布最も認められたファッション・ブランドの1つのための国際的なデザイナーとして!!GUCCI リュックサックグッチ バッグメンズからも大好評ですよ!!

ss said...

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